Friday, July 12, 2013

Best Free Fitness Apps

Morning Bloggies!

Thought I'd give a brief update on my 30 day challenge and then give you a list of my favorite fitness apps for the iPhone/Android *clears throat* smartphones whatever you may have :)

Another successful eating out story. A group of girls and I went to Blue Ridge Brewery (see blog on review) and it was a little preemptive because we were suppose to go to Greenville's Downtown Alive however it was rained out due to the unfortunate weather we've been having. This threw me a little off because I was planning on enjoying the concert and a few beers then going home to having my planned protein + salad. However, they did have an EXCELLENT grilled tuna salad that consisted of only vegetables (tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, spinach, arugula ) and a delicious HUGE grilled tuna. The tuna was awesome and although I know the delicious marinade probably wasn't too healthy for me I was proud that I kept to my no carb, veggie, lean protein packed dinner. Yay!

This morning I'm sipping on a tall soy latte from Starbucks. I may have already started that I wasn't going to have caffeine besides green tea. This was for a couple reason a. Starbucks is my favorite as is expensive b. gives you that hangover feeling afterwards c. unnecessary calories. Well I decided I could have one a week because after all I'm not trying to go crazy here I'm trying to make this manageable and successful. I went for the tall as I didn't need to splurge on a grande or venti and then just got soy milk instead of a skinny vanilla or flavored latte. Most starbucks use vanilla soy milk as their soy of course which is a great little sneak of flavor. Of course it does add some additional sugar however it is healthier to eat a small amount of sugar in moderation as opposed to all the chemical sugar-free alternatives out there. Yum! A nice treat after a successful week of hour long morning workouts EVERY day and two successful eating out trips.

Okay now to the good stuff:

Calorie Counter:


This is my all time favorite calorie/activity counter. I've been watching my weight for about 10 years now and tried a lot of different websites out there to track my calories but this has been my go-to for the last couple years.

First it works with you to determine appropriate calorie,fat,sodium,sugar, etc levels for your goals (whether that be gain weight,lose weight, stay the same) I think it is the most accurate as other calorie estimators have either left me feeling stuffed or hungry by the end of the day if I follow calories as instructed.

Tracking calories is SO easy as their library of food is probably the biggest one I've seen. It has a great list of restaurant foods, packaged foods, and even generic homemade estimates. Further, they make it very easier to add foods you use a lot as favorites or even create recipes that you know you'll be consuming again and again.

Logging activity is great as well. I still haven't seen a great program for every activity out there but MyFitness syncs up with a lot of activity apps out their that track your steps/movement/cardio to log activity and thus changes needed calories appropriately.


Coach to 5K:

As you may have already noticed I hate running. I've always hated running. I'm not sure why but I'm just not one of those people who can just go on a run. However, it seems like a necessary evil. This app was a GREAT jump start for ANYONE to get active. You can be literally just getting off the couch or have worked out regularly in your life and will benefit for the app. It really does a great job of getting you from nothing to running 30+ minutes in 8 weeks. Only 3 times a week it does not feel overwhelming or burdensome.

Daily Ab Workout

This is a great app for simple workout routines. I only have tried the ab one but use it pretty religiously. It has a real life video of someone performing the move to show you and then have a timer for how long you do the move - depending on if you pick a 5, 7.5, or 10 minute routine. I like the fact that I can kind of zone out and listen to my music and not be counting and focus on breathing and my alignment while it walks me through the routine. They have all sorts of additional workouts - arms, legs, back, etc and also open different routines if you pay more but I'm so happy with the free routine I got that I use it whenever I get stuck and can't think of any more or don't want to.

Back/Ab Trainer

I just start using this one recently as I was looking for a decent back routine that used gym machines. I see all these workouts in magazines but love them walking me through it in the gym. I feel like I have so much more to explore in these apps. I've downloaded the back trainer and the ab trainer and they give you about 10 free workouts but A LOT of moves that you can piece together on your own. It also appears that it does arms,shoulders, legs, butt, and specific gym routines. They are also asking if you want to upgrade but looks like some of the stuff might be worth it - stress check?? - instant herat monitor?? -- sleep time?? All looks interesting parts of the full version but I've got a lot more exercises to get through before I get bored with this app.

There ya go! My absolutely favorite useful free fitness apps. Get Active! Enjoy!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

30 Day Challenge Update

Good Morning,

This will probably be a brief update but just wanted to give you the truth about the 30 day challenge. This morning I woke up and new I didn't have to be in work right away so almost put the snooze and was going to just work out after I slept a little bit longer. I immediately decided that was a bad idea and that would turn into sleeping in more and more then just going well I can just get a coffee and biscuit into the office today will be my day off. So reluctantly I got dressed and headed to the gym. I was going to do the treadmill today and follow one of the exercise from Couch to 5k - one of my favorite apps. It does a great job getting people who don't like running (me) to be able to run for 30 minutes. However, after I accomplished this I still don't like running haha so now I just use the work outs here and there to keep my cardio up. After 10 minutes and 2 running sprints I decided I did want to do this and put it at a walking pace. I was a little frustrated with myself but I just did not feel like doing it. Anything is better than nothing so I decided to walk the rest my cardio. Also, I promised myself if I did do cardio full out for 30 min I would walk 40 just to make up for that a bit. It was a struggle to stay on as I just didn't want to work out this morning and I was craving some starbucks. Starbucks is probably the only thing I'm really missing right now. But I pulled out the 40 minutes and did my arms/back routine then had my health protein shake and green tea. Been pretty busy at work and already had my healthy lunch but still having cravings of sandwiches, chips, and still starbucks :) I'm holding strong though! One more workout of this week and going a little easy on myself with the diet during the weekend so something to look forward to!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Twin Peaks Challenege

Hello All,

Day 3 of my 30 day challenge and I'm very impressed with myself. Eating often and making sure I get a lot of protein to help gain muscle and tone out my body really curbs cravings. A few things I wanted to mention that I missed in my first 30 day blog:

-No eating carbs after 5pm - heard this one from Bob Harper
-No coffee - this eliminates the sugar/cream that goes along with it but also prevents having that energy drop. I've switched to green tea.

Yesterday was a true test for me as I went out to eat with one of my girlfriends to Twin Peaks -- may sound odd to you but we LOVE the ice cold beers and they usually have pretty good bar food. So here I am with a typical sports bar menu. I did order two Michelob Ultras because although I'm trying to change my body and my eating I am a 25 yr old young professional and happy hours/tailgates/day drinking all come with that and I am not willing to give that up completely just make smart decisions of not indulging in high calorie beers or cocktails ( see my blog on low calorie drinks for some help Can I buy you a drink? ) then I proceeded to order the cobb salad. Now first they only had 2 salads on the menu cobb salad and steak salad. Not even a side garden salad - even though they probably could have made me this if I asked. Second, I get a little weird about asking to remove bacon, cheese, croutons -- everything but the chicken and lettuce please! Usually they don't do what you ask and since I'm rather petite already I get eyerolls for the company I'm with about eating healthy. I do want to promote what I'm doing but I also want to keep my 30 day challenge on the down low until I'm ready. Also, this is the first part of my eating healthy and later on I will add back the cheese, bacon, croutons in moderate but right now I'm trying to shred the unwanted fat from all the crap I've been eating lately. Whew!

So I get the cobb with their cilantro lime vinaigrette (very tasty) on the side. I merely pushed around until I found the lettuce - a hard task! And ate the lettuce, tomatos, carrots, and chicken. Delicious! I'm so proud that I was able to resist the temptation when it was looking at me.

Twin Peaks Cobb Salad

One thing I also noticed I did that really distracted me from eating the crap or digging in for it was the pleasant conversation I was having with my girlfriend. I know it seems odd but I realized sometimes when I go to eat with my boyfriend or family we talk so much about how good the food is. Which is great but part of the reason of eating together is enjoying eachother's company which enhances your relationship and slims your waistline!

So for Twin Peaks review you may have to wait but from past experience they have delicious bar food. Ladies if you get to pick between Hooters and Twin Peaks go for the Peaks for some homemade hearty bar food. Not to mention their delicious 29 degree ice cold mugs they serve with draft beers and some of their own brews.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

30 Day Challenge

Good Morning All!

Today is day 2 of my 30 day challenge. I have always felt like I've maintained a pretty healthy lifestyle but lately I've felt like I've been eating too much crap and not working out as much as I'd like (as you may have seen with my failed detox cleanse). I've been inspired by a Pinterest blog  where this mother of 2 went on a 10 week transformation from after having her second child to competing in a fitness show. I am not looking to go to that extreme nor am I trying to lose baby weight but my principle was the same as hers - eat clean and gain some definition in my body. I mean really how does that not motivate you!

Make Over McKi

Not me :)

I DO NOT recommend this plan to ANYWAY but merely letting you know what I'm going to do as I've read through her blog as well as various other fitness/nutrition information.


1.  Eat Clean - no packaged food - no sugar - no diary - lean meats - vegetables - fruits - low sodium
2. Exercise 5 times a week - cardio (30-45 min) - weights
3. Update blog weekly with picture ... (yikes)

So I thought I would just dive in instead of trying to explain each of my steps.

Monday : Cardio - 20 min elliptical / 10 treadmill
Weights : Legs - 20 mins (machines/deadlifts/tracy anderson moves) Abs - 10 min ab app

Breakfast : Protein Smoothie : 1 Cup Almond Vanilla Unsweetened Milk / 1 Scoop Vanilla Protein Powder / 1 Cup Frozen Mangos
Green Tea with Lemon Slices

Snack: 1/8 Cup of Almonds

Lunch: 1 Cup Brown Rice / 1/2 Cup Garbanzo Beans / 2/3 Cup Mixed Vegetables (Frozen Carrots, Peas, Corn, Lima Beans ) added dashses of sriracha for flavor

Snack: 2 Egg Whites + 1 Egg / Salsa / Banana

Dinner: 1 Can White Tuna in Water mixed with Dijon Mustard / Spinach / Dried Cranberries

I ate often to keep my appetite and cravings at bay and also to keep my metabolism moving - helps a lot with burning fat. Also I'm excited to share the salad dressing I made. I LOVE making things from scratch but always get stuck on dressings. This one was easier, healthy, and tasty!

·                     1/4 cup flax seed oil
·                     1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
·                     1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
·                     2 tablespoon pure maple syrup, optional
·                     1 tablespoon dijon mustard or stoneground
·                     1 glove garlic, minced
·                     himalayan salt & pepper to taste


Combine all ingredients except the oils in a small mason jar or a medium-sized squeeze bottle (diner style). Mix by shaking well until emulsified, then add the oils and mix again. Lastly, taste for flavor adding anything you feel is needed. 
• • •

Drizzle on salads or vegetables...anything you like! Keep refrigerated and use within a week. You can also make this without the flax oil and it will last about a month

My meals the rest of the week will pretty much be the same but I have a girlfriend date tonight and also some catered office lunches that will be interesting to conquer. I'll keep you updated! Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

10 Minute Creamy Avocado Pasta - AKA Cleanse Gone Wrong

Okay okay -- I'm embarrassed -- I did not go through with the cleanse. It's not that I was starving it's not that the smoothies were awful - I just was craving pretzels and have no will power :)

So -- now that I had ALL those vegetables and did not want to spend MORE grocery money for the week what did I do? Well the pineapple, apples, cucumbers, some of the easy to eat raw foods I just utilized as snacks. But I was excited to use the avocado. I've been meaning to try this avocado creamy pasta I saw on one of my FAVORITE blogs which happens to be vegan living Oh She Glows - 15 Minute Creamy Avocado Pasta It was my inspiration as I altered the recipe slightly but only slightly because there is not much to it.

Single Gal's 10 Minute Creamy Avocado Pasta

-Half an avocado
-1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil
-1/2 Tablespoon of Minced Garlic*
-2 oz/1 Serving Whole Wheat Pasta
-Parmesan Cheese

1. Bring several cups of water in a medium pot to boil. Add pasta - cook until al dente depending on pasta shape.

2. Meanwhile (do this while the pasta is cooking or my 10 minute claim is invalid :) ) In a food processor or blender combine avocado, olive oil, and garlic. Blend until smooth. Add pepper to taste.

3. Drain pasta and immediately add avocado cream sauce so it melts and adheres to the pasta.

4. Add Parmesan to taste. Enjoy!

This was my creation: Loved the green look made me feel like I was eating a vegetable but it was a bowl of delicious carbs!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

3 Day Detox Cleanse

Hey Stranger!
I haven't written in awhile due to life but I'm embarking on an interesting 3 day journey  and includes journal about it - so might as well share with you! I just got back from an amazing trip to Puerto Rico for my 25th birthday. I will be sure to blog about this later but leads into the cleanse goals. In Puerto or on any vacation or birthday for that matter I usually let myself go and eat whatever my heart desires - desserts, sodas, red meat, a lot of fried foods - french fries are my ultimate vice! Anyway so now home I feel bloated, I've had a consent headache and I am dying for some fresh fruits and vegetables. This is when I stumbled on Dr Oz Detox Cleanse ( okay - I didn't stumble I googled Dr. Oz detox ) but this one looked perfect for me. I don't want to lose weight I don't want to starve myself with a maple syrup and pepper drink I just want to refresh and recharge.

The detox includes 4 smoothies for 3 days along with a detox ultra bath (relaxing bath every night - yes please! ) The ingredients aren't anything too ridiculous -- I did debate the coconut oil (only $7) but it lasts for a year or so perhaps I will end up using it again. The following is the printable sheet that includes everything you need to know.

Morning of Day 1 : Of course I already messed up a bit and drank my smoothie first before my tea - but so far so good! The smoothie was surprisingly good - not that it wouldn't be but ya never know with detox diets. Lunch looks a little bit more like a green gomble to me but I'll be sure to report back. So to the journal part - I had a very decadent meal last night of pasta, cheese, butter, sausage, shrimp and buttery garlic bread so as I assumed after my first smoothie I'm a little gassy :) but besides that feeling good.

Report more later!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Recipe Review: Skinny Cosmo

Ta Da!

So this is a follow-up from my skinny bar drinks. I tried the Skinny Cosmo this weekend which is ordered as 'Raspberry vodka with club soda and a splash of Cranberry juice' all for 115 calories

I wasn't sure if the bartender's 'splash' was more than just a splash or if their raspberry vodka was colored because it looked a little darker than the picture I grabbed from Oprah's website.

Oprah's Website: Skinny Cosmo
Bar experiment  Skinny Cosmo

However, very delightful! Had that little bit of a fizz from the club soda. With a squeeze of the lime it tasted very similar to a Como. I will definitely be ordering again!